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ITRS Announce Reorganisation of Management Team

ITRS Management Team

Canadian tyre repair specialists ITRS Group have announced a reorganisation of the structure of their top management team.

Boutet Appointed President

Former President, Gilles Wauthy, will now move into a more strategic role as the Chairman of the Board for the ITRS Group and President and CEO of ITRS Chile SpA. Gabriel Boutet now becomes President and CEO of ITRS (International Tire Repair Solutions Inc.), whilst David Dandeneault becomes President and CEO for Vulcan-Vulcap Inc. Jean-Félix Lavallée is now President and CEO for Transit ITRS Inc. and will also take on the role of Operations Manager for the entire ITRS Group (ITRS, Vulcan, and Transit).

This shift aims to allow the ITRS Group’s key executives to maximise each other’s strengths and continue to work together as they collectively bring new visions and innovation to the tyre repair industry.

“It’s been a long time in the making, and realistically, we’ve been operating this way for a little while,” explained Gilles Wauthy. “These young men will be huge assets to an industry so ripe for increased popularity.”

ITRS has been in operation since 2007 and was acquired by Gilles Wauthy in 2012. He later welcomed his partners, David Dandeneault, Gabriel Boutet, and Jean-Félix Lavallée, and today, they focus on growing the training center and certification programme available worldwide. Over the years, ITRS has acquired a specialisation within the mining sector and have developed products specifically adapted to their area of focus. They also offer a range of high-quality parts, tools, and equipment at competitive prices.

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