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Frederico Schmidt from Vipal Participates in Retreading Programme at Tire Cologne

The latest seminar from our Retreading Programme at The Tire Cologne was delivered by Frederico Schmidt, the General Manager of Vipal in Europe. Frederico’s presentation was titled “Retreading is the Future: Sustainability and Innovation”.

Latest Seminar Published on YouTube

You can now watch Frederico’s presentation from the Retreading Programme in a few clicks.


00:00 Titles and Introduction

00:30 Frederico begins his presentation

01:16 Presentation agenda

01:39 Information on Vipal Rubber

03:21 What is tyre retreading and how is it used?

05:10 Tyre retreading and the environment

06:50 The significance of quaity in tyre retreading

07:37 The Tyre Life Cycle and retreading’s relationship to it

08:31 Vipal’s sustainability initiatives: Recycled materials, electric vehicles, renewable materials, high-performance materials

15:35 Tyre retreading around the world

16:27 Conclusion

16:50 Where does Frederico see the industry in 5-10 years time in terms of sustainability? What does he think the industry will have achieved in this regard?

18:31 What extent can the labelling regulations encourage the use of retreaded tyres?

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