December 2, 2016Vipal Rubber has New Management in EuropeFrederico Schmidt, who has previously worked in Vipal’s United States branch, has been appointed as the…David Wilson
November 4, 2016Marangoni Group Appoint New CEOThe Board of Directors of the Marangoni Group have announced the appointment of Dino Maggioni (48)…David Wilson
September 16, 2016IRSG Appoint New Secretary-GeneralThe International Rubber Study Group has announced that the organisation’s incoming Secretary-General, Salvatore Pinizzotto will officially…David Wilson
June 6, 2016Changes to BIPAVER BoardA number of changes to the board of BIPAVER were announced during the Federation’s annual meeting,…David Wilson
May 16, 2016Tipler Joins Maio Amarelo MovementTipler has announced that it has joined the Maio Amarelo (Yellow May) movement, an initiative between…David Wilson