April 15, 2019New Marangoni Franchise in IndiaIndo-Italian retread JV Marangoni GRP Private Limited (MGPL) is continuing to increase its footprint in India.…David Wilson
April 15, 2019Lukatec Achieves Record First Quarter SalesLukatec, the São Leopoldo, Brazil based manufacturer of retreading equipment, has reported that it has had…David Wilson
April 8, 2019Vellco Assures Quality Europe-Wide Service Regardless of the Outcome of BrexitVellco Tyre Control has clarified it will be able to continue to provide its products and…David Wilson
April 4, 2019The Future of Retreading Conference AnnouncedPromotec srl, the organisers of Autopromotec, and Retreading Business Ltd, the publishers of the specialist trade…David Wilson
April 4, 20193CSAD Benefit from Marangoni Applications in North MoraviaMoravian company 3ČSAD is engaged in the transportation of goods, which makes 30% of their turnover,…David Wilson
March 28, 2019Eversafe Holds Open House to Demonstrate Investment at Ipoh PlantMalaysian tread rubber manufacture Eversafe, based in Ipoh, Perak, recently held an open day for invited…David Wilson
March 28, 2019Tipler Trains PneuacoWith more than 40 years of experience in the tyre retreading market in Brazil and South…David Wilson
March 27, 2019Maxrubber Celebrates 30th AnniversaryMalaysian tread rubber manufacturer Maxrubber celebrated its 30th anniversary recently at a lavish reception held at…David Wilson
March 26, 2019FHF Invest in ROITREAD 150M from LukatecBrazilian Bandag dealer FHF Recauchutadora de Pneus, based in Colatina City, ES has acquired a ROITREAD…David Wilson
March 26, 2019Kraiburg Achieves Sustainable GrowthDespite all market developments, KRAIBURG Austria has been able to register pleasing sales figures for the…David Wilson