April 7, 2020EIB Reopens ProductionPortuguese tread rubber manufacturer EIB has announced that it is to resume production after the “voluntary…David Wilson
April 3, 2020Vipal VT560 Now in New WidthsVipal has announced that its VT560 tread is now available in three new widths, 210, 230…David Wilson
March 29, 2020Bandvulc Taking No Chances with COVID-19Bandvulc has announced the measures it has taken as the company deals with the COVID-19 outbreak. COVID-19 Measures Announced…Richard Wilson
March 28, 2020Marangoni Looks to Serve the Market through Overseas PlantsMarangoni Retreading Systems has announced that it is taking the necessary precautions to make sure it…David Wilson
March 28, 2020Pneushow Postponed until SeptemberFrancal Feiras, the organisers of the Expobor and Pneushow exhibitions, originally scheduled for 30 June to2…David Wilson
March 27, 2020Vipal’s VT110 Tread Tested with Spanish HauliersSince 2018, Vipal has carried out a number of evaluative tests with Spanish hauliers on its…David Wilson
March 27, 2020Galgo Launch New Pre-Q Tread DGRGalgo has announced the introduction of its new tread pattern designated DGR, which was initially for…David Wilson
March 27, 2020NeroForce Convinces with Own Buffing BladesIn a complex and innovative manufacturing process, NeroForce produces its own buffing blades for retreading. NeroForce…David Wilson
March 19, 2020Autopromotec Responds to New Tire Cologne DatesIn response to the decision of Koelnmesse to reschedule The Tire Cologne for the week prior…David Wilson
March 19, 2020EIB Announces Temporary Plant ClosureBased on the Portuguese Government Emergency Declaration and the rapid spread of COVID-19, tread manufacturer EIB…David Wilson