April 12, 2021New M90 Light Tread from Leader RubberLeader Rubber Company has introduced the new M90 Light tread pattern to its Leadertread range of…David Wilson
April 12, 2021Continental Brings European Retreading Activities Under Conti360° Solutions BannerIn a move designed to push ahead with its evolution from tyre manufacturer and service provider…David Wilson
April 1, 2021Handing over the Baton at KRAIBURG AustriaKRAIBURG Austria have announced that with effect from 1st of April 2021, Thorsten Schmidt, the long-standing…David Wilson
April 1, 2021Vipal Rubber’s QGR Guarantee Reaches 6 Million Retreaded TyresOne of the key benefits offered to hauliers by Vipal Rubber is their QGR guarantee (Qualified and Guaranteed…David Wilson
April 1, 2021The Countdown to Tyrexpo Asia 2021 Continues with ConfidenceWith just under eight months to go, Tarsus Group are set to stage their first Tyrexpo…David Wilson
March 29, 2021Apollo Tyres Joins ‘Jan Andolan’ for TB-Free IndiaApollo Tyres has joined the ‘Jan Andolan’ (Peoples’ Movement) for Tuberculosis (TB) Free India to contribute…David Wilson
March 25, 2021Kayel Tyres Gains E-Mark Status for Retread RangeMalaysian retreader Kayel Tyre Retread Sdn Bhd, based in Kota Kemuning near Kuala Lumpur, has announced…David Wilson
March 25, 2021Fire at KRAIBURG Austria has Only Minor ImpactA technical defect caused a fire in the curing department at KRAIBURG Austria last night at…David Wilson
March 24, 2021Recircle Awards 2021: Awards CeremonyThe inaugural Recircle Awards for 2021 happened over a week ago now, but in case you…Richard Wilson
March 24, 2021KRAIBURG Austria Ends 2020 on ParKRAIBURG Austria is reporting satisfactory results for 2020, with sales and turnover on a level with…David Wilson