August 3, 2023Trentyre Keeps Fleets Moving with FleetFirstJust over a year ago, Trentyre, Goodyear South Africa’s tyre distribution and retreading subsidiary, introduced FleetFirst…Projects
August 2, 2023Phoenix Innovation to Target Their Patented Rubber Activator Concept at the Retread SectorCanadian rubber technology company Phoenix Innovation has announced that it is almost ready to launch its…David Wilson
August 1, 2023Volánbusz Hungary Invests in New RINGER MachineAs a long-standing Marangoni customer, Volánbusz Hungary has been successfully operating its retreading plant based in…David Wilson
July 24, 2023Marangoni and CEAT Announce Strategic Partnership in IndiaMarangoni S.p.A. has announced that it has entered into a strategic partnership with Indian tyre manufacturer…David Wilson
July 12, 2023Sheila Ikin, Ex- RMA Director Passes AwayIt is with great sadness that we have to report the passing of Sheila Ikin, the…David Wilson
July 12, 2023Unigoma Installs Solar PanelsArgentianian retreader Unigoma has installed solar panels its factory in Buenos Aires. According to the company’s…Richard Wilson
July 12, 2023Training the Colombian National Police in Tyre RetreadingThe Colombian Association of Tire Retreaders and Related Industries – ANRE recently carried out a training…Richard Wilson
June 28, 2023Unique opens Memorial in São Leopoldo/RSWith over 200 catalogued pieces in its collection, the Memorial was designed to celebrate the 48…Richard Wilson
June 20, 2023Nominees List Presented for 2023 Recircle AwardsThe winners will be announced in a live ceremony on November 16th at Futurmotive – Expo…Richard Wilson
June 14, 2023A versão Retreading Business 2023/2 para América Latina já está disponívelA última edição do Retreading Business em sua versão digital já está disponível para visualização e…David Wilson