December 2, 2019Kal Tire Mexico Install New OTR Plant from TRMItalian equipment manufacturer TRM has announced the delivery of a modern OTR plant to Kal Tire’s…David Wilson
November 25, 2019Grupo Soledad Continues to Develop Circular Economy ConceptIn the last issue of Retreading Business we reported on some of the investments currently being…David Wilson
November 25, 2019UK Logistics Provider Puts Bandvulc and Continental to the TestAfter years of fitting Continental branded new tyres and retreads from Bandvulc to its fleet, the…David Wilson
November 15, 2019Pneumaxx Produces 100,000th RetreadLeading Romanian truck tyre dealer and retreader Pneumaxx, based in the western suburbs of the Romanian…David Wilson
November 6, 2019Kit Loong Focuses on “Safety = Savings”Malaysian retreader and fleet management company Kit Loong Commercial Tyre Group (KLCT) made its presence felt…Mary Tang
November 5, 2019Marangoni OTR Success in FinlandMarangoni has been able to demonstrate its technological prowess in the OTR sector recently thanks to…David Wilson
November 5, 2019Truck Tyre Specialists (TTS) Invests in Black Dragon 90UK retreader Truck Tyre Specialists have announced the purchase of a new state of the art…David Wilson
October 29, 2019Maxrubber Eye Steady Export GrowthEarlier this year Malaysian tread rubber manufacturer Maxrubber celebrated its 30th anniversary at a high-profile reception…David Wilson
October 29, 2019Insa Turbo Invest in RobotisationSpanish retreader Insa Turbo has invested in a prototype robotisation project in its passenger retreading plant…David Wilson
October 29, 2019Brazilian Sales Successes for LukatecBrazilian retread equipment manufacturer Lukatec has reported two additional sales successes from the Brazilian domestic market.…David Wilson