
AZuR Network: Pushing the Boundaries

Over a few gin & tonics at The Tire Cologne, we sat down with the always pleasant and engaging Stephan Rau, Patron of AZuR Network and Technical Managing Director of WdK.

Retreading Industry Benchmarks

AZuR commanded prime real estate at the show and displayed some wonderful achievements that are becoming all too familiar to the network. This included hosting Michelin’s only stand at the largest tyre show in Europe, highlighting their dedication to the AZuR cause, and being involved in another major event in Berlin, more on which shortly. We wanted to learn more about the exciting updates on the network’s sustainability initiatives. We discussed their efforts to unite the tyre industry and gain government support for better recycling and retreading practices in Germany and Europe.

Rau stressed the need to keep tyres in Germany for recycling to reduce the carbon footprint associated with exporting them. “We want everyone to agree that recycling and retreading tyres sustainably is the way forward. This helps us manage and recycle tyres here rather than exporting them, which just adds to CO2 emissions,” he explained.

The AZuR Network is rallying industry support for a resolution to present to political leaders. “We need government backing to ensure everyone in the industry follows sustainable practices,” Rau said. “Without it, some will take advantage and leave unusable tyres behind, burdening others.”

Another goal is to collect accurate data on tyre recycling and retreading. Rau highlighted the importance of clear numbers for innovation and policy-making. “Good data is crucial for political decisions and industry growth,” he noted. Despite challenges like the introduction of winter tyres and the COVID-19 pandemic, which have affected recycling data, the AZuR Network has grown to 17 members and attracted interest from other countries. “Our success in Germany could be a model for others,” Rau said. “We’re happy to share our experience so others can start from a better position.”

A recent milestone was presenting a resolution to the German government during the “Week of the Environment,” which was running alongside The Tire Cologne, warranting a collection of signatures in Colog- ne before whisking the proposal to the other side of the country to be presented to senior government figures by AZuR colleagues. This sort of activity highlights the network’s commitment to raising awareness around sustainable tyre recycling and the sheer deftness of their operation.

Rau is optimistic about the future, noting the positive reception and media coverage the AZuR Network has received. “We’re seen as the good guys, showing that sustainable practices are possible and pushing for change,” he said. The ongoing efforts to align industry practices with sustainability goals underscore the AZuR Network’s dedication to a greener future for the tyre industry. Long may it continue, and hopefully, as Rau noted, it will be studied, copied, and implemented in other regions globally for the success of our industry.

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