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Algerian Retreader SIRCAM to Recommence Production

Algerian retreader SIRCAM, which has been inactive for several years due to the lack of quality casings in the North African country, has announced that it is to re-commence production later this year.

North African Retread Market Set for Boost

S.I.R.C.A.M. Sarl Société Industrielle de Rechapage, created in 1968 in the north-western region of Algeria, originally operated with a capacity of 20 to 30,000 truck and light truck tyres per year, using AZ and Collmann machinery.

“We worked well in the 70s, 80s and 90s with all the urban transport companies in the capital, and the big cities, buses and coaches, and road transport trucks and semi-trailers were running on our tyres, which held up well despite the heat in the Sahara,” explained Mohamed Chérif, the company’s director. “We were the only ones to retread at that time. In 1988 the state created other retreaders which did not work much for lack of professionalism, and also at the end of the 90s Chinese tyres at low prices flooded the Algerian market, and it is from this moment that retreading regressed in Algeria since Chinese tyres do not have good casings to retread.”

According to Chérif, SIRCAM is now looking to modernise both its hot and cold equipment and is on the lookout for good used machines for this purpose.

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